
Genesis Radio: Quality Guidelines for TeamTalk Use 🎙️📡

At Genesis Radio, we use TeamTalk for real-time communication, collaboration, and broadcasting. To ensure a smooth, professional, and interference-free experience for all users, we have established the following quality guidelines.

Eye in the Sky is a media bot that is used to listen to the stream, as well as other forms of media. Most staff have channel operator status in most of the rooms so that they can mute the bot when they’re doing a show. Abuse of this access will result in the  privilege being revoked.

Use a good-quality microphone (USB or XLR preferred).
Avoid using built-in laptop microphones or low-quality headsets that introduce noise and distortion.
A pop filter or windscreen is recommended to reduce plosives and breath noise.

Broadcast from a quiet environment. Background noise (TV, fans, pets, open mics) should be minimal.
Use push-to-talk (PTT) if necessary to prevent open-mic interference.
No excessive echo or feedback. If using speakers, ensure that your mic does not pick up the sound.

Maintain a consistent and balanced volume. Too loud or too quiet audio makes communication difficult.
Avoid over-processing (excessive compression, reverb, or extreme EQ settings that negatively affect clarity).
Check your levels before broadcasting to avoid sudden peaks or distortion.

Genesis Radio’s TeamTalk server is a professional environment. Treat it as such.
No shouting, mic spamming, or disruptive behavior.
Respect other users’ space. Don’t interrupt broadcasts or ongoing conversations unless necessary.

Use the correct channel for your purpose. Each room has a designated function (e.g., Live Broadcast, DJ Lounge, Admin Chat).
Do not jump into live broadcast channels unless invited or permitted.
Keep AFK time to a minimum in active channels to avoid unnecessary congestion.

Confirm audio routing and settings before going live to prevent dead air or unintended noises.
Mute your mic when not speaking to avoid unnecessary noise on air.
Check for audio delays and adjust settings as needed for a seamless live experience.

If streaming music, use the correct audio interface (e.g., Virtual Audio Cable, Voicemeeter) to send clean audio rather than playing through a microphone.
No excessive clipping, distortion, or poor-quality audio sources.

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